New Domain, New Me... Who am I kidding, new name same old me!

Hey I'm Allyn!

I'm a geek with a penchant for multiple levels of geekdom. This is just a fancy way of saying I like many different things. Professionally, I'm an infrastructure-focused engineer working for a security company (thus where the NetSec Plumber moniker comes from). Personally, I like to tinker and play. This can look like smart home gadgets, renaissance festivals, 3d printing, gaming, reading, and so many other things. 

My plan for this blog is to write about things that I do, that interest me, that frustrate the hell out of me, or that happen to me. We'll see how I do ;)

You're welcome to comment, reach out to me on social media, or even drop me an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have questions, comments, etc.

You can find me on the socials here:
Mastadon -
Twitter (yes, I'm a glutton for depravity) -
LinkedIn -