So let me start this message off with a disclaimer. I am NOT a programmer (Computer Science degree be damned). But it's long been a part of my career to hack together useful code to do things I wanted to. It all started with PHP back in the early web days... But let's just jump forward to "now." After taking a Python course at the WLPC Pheonix 2023 (put on by the amazing WLAN Professionals team), I started using some Python to work with the Mist API. I'd dinked around with it some before, but not a ton, and mostly, I just used other people's code.
Today, I released my very first public GitHub repo! There isn't a "good" way in the Mist portal to download a list of APs and their associated BSSIDs. This is frequently used for things like E911, geofencing on BSSID for timeclocks, etc. So this script takes an org, site, and CSV list of AP MACs and spits out a CSV list of its potential BSSIDs. Unfortunately, from what I could figure out, there isn't a "good" way to get things from radios that aren't active. I can get the radio MAC, which can be used to extrapolate the BSSID, but those aren't tied to which band they work with. So you get the scanning radio. So for now, I might improve this later, it just takes the input csv grabs the active radio MAC, and extrapolates that to a BSSID range.
Definitely some room for improvement, but it's a start.
Thanks to Ali (check out his blog!) for the example code I started with!
Here's the Github Repo!