Well it happened... I finally got a 3D printer. My partner and mother-in-law got me one I had on my Amazon list for a while as a "hey, this would be cool". See I know a bunch of folks that have 3d printers and they all talk about what a rabbit hole it is. Once you start, you just keep going down the hole. I also know myself and I have a tendency to go 100% into what I'm doing. So I've somewhat resisted the siren call of the 3d printing world. but that's over now... So, expect to see a trail of content surrounding what I do with it, how I come to grips with the hold it has in my life, etc. And maybe, just maybe I'll find some cool stuff to do with it.
For now I'm off to try and put this thing together and get it started. Oh... It's a Creality Ender 3 V2 Neo model. And today I learned that this means it's one of about 500 million different models of "Ender 3", and they're all just *slightly* different of course. Fun!